ComRȁde PyRate

Wednesday 26 November 2014

How to HaCk a FaceBook AcCOunt With Wireshark (Easy Method)

Download The "WireShark" And Then install It
On Your System...
Download "WireShark" by given link...
adf .ly/qHzQb (remove space)
Next Open The WireShark And Then Click On
Now Choose A Network Then Continue The
Sniffing For Around Like 10 minutes.
After A Maximum 10 minute Stop The Sniffing
By Going To A Capture Menu Like This.
Its Important Step Now Filter To http.cookie
contains “datr” Like This. Then Filter The All
Search For http cookies With A Name Of
"datr" And There Is Facebook
Authentication’s Cookie Like This ,..
Now Click On It And Then GoTo The Copy >
Bytes > Printable Text Only Like This . : -
Step #8
Now The Next You Have Must 3 Things..
Mozilla Firefox (Download the latest version) by given link..
Grease Monkey Download by given link..
adf .ly/qHzXf (remove space)
Cookie injector Download by given link..
adf .ly/qHzcY (remove space)
Then Open In Firefox
Make Sure You Are Not Login
Step #9
Press The button "Alt
+C" To Bring Up A Cookie Injector And Then
Simply Paste In A Cookie Value Into It.
Cookie injector Like this.
Step #10
Now Refresh Your Page So Then Finally You
Enter The Victim Account .
Note : This Method
Will Never Work If The Victim Is In
"https, Securre Browseing"
Thanks For Reading This Tutorial,

Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments. © Comrade Pyrate

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